A Homemade Halupki dinner will be held on Sunday, February 16 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in our parish hall. This is an eat in or take out event. The Halupki Dinner (cabbage rolls) will be hosted by Saint Ann Knights of Columbus and will include Halupki, a baked potato and green beans and beverage for $14.Saint Ann Byzantine Catholic parish, 5408 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109. Please note cash, personal checks and credit/debit cards will be accepted. The snow date for this event is Sunday, February 23.
Week of No Fasting – February 10-15 (next week) is a week free from fasting. The church calendar does not show a fish on Friday, February 14, due to this “free-from-fasting” week. We do not fast because the following week (February 17-21, Meatfare Week) we start preparing for the Great Fast. ~ Fr. Taras
FORMED – St. Ann Parish regrets to announce that we will not be renewing our subscription to the FORMED media library service. The decision was made following a survey that showed a wide lack of use by individuals, families and the ECF program. Alternative sources for materials can be found at: https://godwithusonline.org/ and https://becomingbyzantine.updates.church/ We hope to identify additional adult and child religious education resources suitable for home use. Once these resources are found they will be posted to the parish website at https://stannbyz.org/links/
Catholic Schoolhouse will have an information meeting at 10 am on Tuesday February 25 in the media classroom. If you know anyone who would like to learn more about our homeschool organization, please encourage them to attend. Also, the Catholic Schoolhouse Middle School class will be making small gift bags for the homeless. We are accepting donations of individually wrapped snacks & personal hygiene items, please place them in the Catholic Schoolhouse box in the foyer. Thanks! For more info Call Melanie Nehilla.
Blessing of Homes – I will bless homes this year. Please call the church office at 717-652-1415, or sign up on the sheet in the back of the church if you want your home blessed. ~ Fr. Taras
Parish Yearly Financial Reports – Please take the envelope with your 2024 Financial Statement and the St. Ann Financial Report that is in the back of the church.
Bible Study – Everyone is invited to join the Bible study on Wednesday, February 12, at 6 p.m. in the parish center. The following passages will be discussed: 1 Chronicles 13-15, Amos 5-7, and Matthew 5-6.
We Need Your Help! – The bingo kitchen needs volunteers. Please contact Francis Drotar.
Human Trafficking Awareness Event – On Monday, February 24, 6:30-8:30 pm there will be a Human Trafficking Awareness Event at the Diocesan Center (4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg). All are invited and encouraged to attend. The evening will feature Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior, Bishop of Harrisburg; Felicita Brugo Onetti, USCCB’s Human Trafficking Education and Outreach Coordinator; and Patty Seaman, Peace Promise’s Executive Director of Client Services. For more information and to register please visit www.hbgdiocese.org/events
Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Donations toward this appeal are being accepted through June 1, 2025. Your donation will count toward the assessment that our parish must send in to the Eparchy. Funds are used to support many good works of the Eparchy including supporting the education of our youth in the faith, the formation of new priests as well as the preaching of The Good News. Visit https://www.eparchyofpassaic.com/ to donate and help your parish to meet our goal.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal Update: 1/26/25 – 32 donors have contributed $8,350.00 toward our parish assessment of $16,000.00. Visit https://www.eparchyofpassaic.com/ to donate and help your parish to meet our goal. Your donation will count toward the assessment that our parish must send in to the Eparchy.
Funds are used to support many good works of the Eparchy including:
Supporting the education of our youth in the faith
The formation of new priests and help with the care of retired priests
Starting new faith communities in our eparchy
The preaching of The Good News.
Donations toward this appeal are being accepted through June 1, 2025.
Put us in your Contacts – Consider adding: stannbyz@148595586.mailchimpapp.com to your email contact list. Doing this will help your email provider know that our Bulletin emails are safe and wanted by you. It can help to keep the Bulletin out of your Spam Folder as well as from ‘bouncing’.
Parish Emails – Parishioners wishing to receive emails from the parish can sign up by clicking on the link at the top of the Bulletin Page.
Perohi Hotline – Not a member of Saint Ann’s and want to know when we are having events? You can find out about events at our parish with emails from the Perohi Hotline! The Perhoi Hotline will let you know when your favorite Slavic events will take place or when our tasty foods will be available for sale. We promise to never sell your information and we will not fill up your inbox. https://StAnnByz.flocknote.com/PerohiHotline